FutureBanker / Future Wealth Creator gives you the opportunity to help shape and redefine our growing financial services sector.
This qualification equips you for the exciting demands, challenges, opportunities and realities of this space – whether you choose to work for a company or start your own.
There is so much to look forward to!
The courses include global content, as well as proudly local content that has been developed by proudly local talent. This ensures we find and connect with you where you’re at.
You can start studying anytime. You don’t need to wait for January. This means you’re in charge of your progress and development.
You’ll step into a supportive learning environment that includes lectures; assessment reviews; coaching; in-person feedback and guidance.
The programme is designed to open doors for you! After just one year, you’ll be equipped with a good understanding of the systems, processes and key activities that speak to your new career. This makes you far more employable.
The programme is SAQA-aligned and SETA accredited.
It creates a pathway to a degree – if you decide to go that route.

The qualification is a journey: one that we walk with you.
Because we’re big on experience, we will also assist you to access paid internships with banks and insurers as needed.
So, whether you’re a school-leaver, graduate or are currently working or not, this pathway to success could be for you!